Ok, I may have taken some creative liberties with that last bit, but this I know for sure: In the wee hours of the morning (my time) on January 21, I received an email simply entitled, “So excited!” Later that morning, after settling into the waking-coma I call “gainful employment,” I clicked on the little flag alerting me of a new email. Rousing a little, I wrestled through a paragraph of pure Italian (greatly helped by my own trip to Italy not three weeks prior) before learning that my dear friend, polyglot and professional enthusiast had stumbled upon a project of great interest—and I was invited to participate!
I was eager to get on board: I already speak two languages fluently, and have about three others in constant rotation. And this would be far from my first time taking up with a language on the fly. But this time, there would be rules. And, well…
I am not so much a book learner as a street (?) learner. I am supremely fascinated by the way people live with their languages. I would be remiss if I failed to mention that the theory of language actually interests me quite a bit; but my retention is directly related to how I learn the word. Flashcards…meh. Workbooks…warmer. The Holy Pimsleur...much better. But hearing two children fight over a toy? Watching on as a mother feeds her kids? Hearing two workers prattle on in a fish market? This is how language breathes, grows and moves. This is how language survives. How can I bring that living element into my experience?
Hmm…this is going to be interesting.
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